Το Facebook έπιασε το ένα δισεκατομμύριο χρήστες

Γράφει Μανώλης Βαρούχας
Κατηγορία Τεχνολογικά νέα

Τον απίστευτο αυτό αριθμό έπιασε όπως ανακοίνωσε ο ιδιοκτήτης του Mark Zuckerberg στο προσωπικό του προφίλ χτες το πρωί, το δημοφιλέστερο κοινωνικό δίκτυο της ιστορίας. Αν σκευτείτε τι πληθυσμό έχει ο πλανήτης μας, απλά θα ανατριχιάσετε!

Όπως έγραψε ο ίδιος:

Celebrating a billion people is very special to me. It's a moment to honor the people we serve.

For the first time in our history, we've made a brand video to express what our place is on this earth.

We believe that the need to open up
and connect is what makes us human. It's what brings us together. It's what brings meaning to our lives.

Facebook isn't the first thing people have made to help us connect. We belong to a rich tradition of people making things that bring us together.

Today, we honor this tradition.

We honor the humanity of the people we serve.

We honor the everyday things people have always made to bring us together:

Chairs, doorbells, airplanes, bridges, games. These are all things that connect us.

And now Facebook is a part of this tradition of things that connect us too.

I hope you enjoy this video as much as we do.

Thanks for helping connect a billion people.

Απλά απίστευτα μεγέθη!