Ήρθαν τα Webmaker Badges

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Τα badges αποτελούν ψηφιακά πιστοποιητικά προσόντων, κατορθωμάτων και συμμετοχή. Μπορείτε όλοι όσοι έχετε φιλοδοξίες στο web development κλπ να αρχίσετε να συμμετέχετε σε πολύ ενδιαφέροντα projects.

Head over to Thimble, pick a project and sign in to start earning!
Code Whisperer
The CodeWhisperer mini-badge is part of the Mozilla Webmaker series. It represents a general coding skill and is earned by adding explanatory and helpful comments to a Mozilla Webmaker Project.
It indicates that the earner has written code comments at least 3 times in Webmaker projects.
The Editor mini-badge is part of the Mozilla Webmaker series. It represents an HTML skill and is earned by fixing or adding either a header or a paragraph to a Mozilla Webmaker Project by using the proper texts.
It indicates that the earner has completed this task successfully at least 3 times in Webmaker projects.
Image Maker
The ImageMaker mini-badge is part of the Mozilla Webmaker series. It represents an HTML skill and is earned by fixing or adding an image to a Mozilla Webmaker Project through proper use of the tag.
It indicates that the earner has completed this task successfully at least 3 times in Webmaker projects.
Div Master
The DivMaster mini-badge is part of the Mozilla Webmaker series. It represents an HTML skill and is earned by properly using the div tag in a Mozilla Webmaker Project.
It indicates that the earner has completed this task successfully at least 2 times in Webmaker projects.
A Lister
The A Lister mini-badge is part of the Mozilla Webmaker series. It represents an HTML skill and is earned by fixing or adding a list to a Mozilla Webmaker project by properly using the ordered and unordered list tags.
It indicates that the earner has completed this task successfully at least 3 times in Webmaker projects.
Media Maker
The MediaMaker mini-badge is part of the Mozilla Webmaker series. It represents an HTML skill and is earned by fixing or adding a media to a Mozilla Webmaker project by properly using the iframe tag.
It indicates that the earner has completed this task successfully at least 2 times in Webmaker projects.
Audio Maker
The AudioMaker mini-badge is part of the Mozilla Webmaker series. It represents an HTML skill and is earned by fixing or adding audio to a Mozilla Webmaker project.
It indicates that the earner has completed this task successfully within a Webmaker project.
The Hyperlinker mini-badge is part of the Mozilla Webmaker series. It represents an HTML skill and is earned by fixing or adding a hyperlink to a Mozilla Webmaker project by properly using the 'a' tag.
It indicates that the earner has completed this task successfully at least 2 times in Webmaker projects.
Super Styler
The SuperStyler mini-badge is part of the Mozilla Webmaker series. It represents a CSS skill and is earned by using CSS to properly format text or position items within a Mozilla Webmaker project.
It indicates that the earner has completed this task successfully at least 3 times in Webmaker projects.
Thimble Projectizer
The ThimbleProjectizer mini-badge is part of the Mozilla Webmaker series. It indicates that the earner has successfully completed and published a Mozilla Webmaker Thimble project.